Today, the FC website of One Punch Mog has been created! The first content is available, descriptions and stuff was added. Recruitment is open.
Q: How can I contribute? A: Send screenshots of epic Moogle or One Punch situations to Underlord Mogrii and they will be added to our website header. If you have funny ideas but no screenshots, feel free to mention them and maybe we can find a Paint Master to fullfill your dreams.
Q: Where are the free Kupo Nuts? A: First tab of the FC chest.
Q: I only see Chestnuts in there…? A: Please, if we labeled them as actual Kupo Nuts, everyone would go crazy about them and we wouldn't be able to keep up with supply enough for the immense demand. This is why they are labeled as Chestnuts but they are actually Kupo Nuts.
Riiko Admin replied
451 weeks ago